Friday, February 19, 2010

Olympics Mania

I'm an Olympics junkie. I confess it...If I could just skip work and watch the Olympics all day, I would be the happiest girl in the world. I'm not patriotic, but I love watching the US athletes win. I'm totally impressed that Bob Costas never gets older and I'm blown away that Shaun White has his own half pipe on the side of a mountain. Love it- love it all (okay, everything but the ice dancing). Love the crashes, love the dramatic stories that talk about where people come from, love the 'Go World' commercials, love holding my breath and getting ultra tense when Bode Miller is skiing down the hill and it looks like he might just FLY OFF THE SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN!
So...if you don't hear from me for the next month, you'll know why. :) Go USA!

Important side note #1:
Happy 1st Birthday to Clara!

Important side note #2:
Happy Birthday to Brooke on Sunday!

Important side note #3:
My husband rocks my world. He loves Jesus and he loves me. Can't get much better than that! :)


Eliza said...

My kids are really enjoying the Olympics too... but I think it's a ploy to stay up and late and avoid homework. "But mooommm, it's the Olympics!!" : P

Unknown said...

Ha! That's too funny! Yes, it might definitely be a ploy. :) I probably did that, too - "But they're only on every 2 years!!" :)