Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Power, The Glory, and the Greek

Here's my recommendation of the week (note: it has nothing to do with Jane Austen).

A mysterious novel set in 1930's Mexico, this book follows a nameless "whiskey priest" on the run from the government and explores huge themes like redemption, atonement, and the meaning of the Eucharist, in a tense and exciting way. I don't read a lot of novels - this is the only book that I have ever read where the term "theological thriller" would not be an oxymoron.

The book costs $0.36 on amazon.com

Even a grad student can handle that.

In other news, seminary itself is going well. In a couple of my classes (Systematic Theology and Spiritual Formation) I often feel like I am a step ahead of many of my classmates. Then in Greek class, many of them (probably religion majors in undergrad) are clearly a leg up on me. Over half of my real study time is going towards Greek.

To paraphrase a good friend of mine, "It turns out that getting an M.Div is a lot of trouble."

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